Saturday, March 1, 2025


 We had an issue in our filming process because we had planned to film this weekend March 1st-2nd because our teammate Nico had found someone who had a drone for our opening shot of the car. But Sebas and Nico met up that week and tried the drone and the camera quality was not what we were expecting. So now we have to either film another scene to compensate or find another drone. Which caused us to have to begin filming Wednesday of this upcoming week 3/5. 

We wanted to create a scene similar to this with the title appearing from the bottom the title being "Erebus" maybe in the ink of blood, to show the genre of the movie clearly which is horror. This scene would appear at the end of the opening scene after the main character Leo gets in the car to call his therapist as he runs away from the demon Erebus and a couple seconds later sees him staring back at him in the rearview mirror. The car would speed off and we would see the title under it as it drives away slowly appear.

We know have to find another drone or another type of show to help us create this because we really likes this idea.

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CCR question 1 research

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