Sunday, March 2, 2025

Costume creation

 Since the main character is a teenage boy who will be played by our teammate Sebas, he said he found a hoodie and pants he could wear to embody our character Leo. Sometimes the hood of a hoodie when it is up it can represent a person is sad or wants to be left alone, this is perfect for our character because he is dealing with some mental issues causing him to be sad.

We can see in this inspo picture that the guy looks sad due to the fact that his face is covered with the hood.
The costuming for this character is important because he is the main character and he starts off our film opening.

For our demon which is also very important because his name is the name of the movie "Erebus" he will be dressed in all black because the color is mysterious and to add to the mystery his face will be covered with a black face mask. Nico will be playing this character and he has a black suit he will be wearing and a black ski mask which we will flip backwards to cover his face. As well as black shoes.

Something like this all black and his face covered since he is a demon who remains unknown.

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