Monday, March 10, 2025

CCR question 2 script

CCR question 2 is 
"How does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text?"

Our film opening was targeted to entertain teenagers and young adults. 
We portrayed this by making the main character a teenager to make our film more personal to our audience. Since our film is a horror film it is mainly targeted to teens and young audiences of 15-25 years of age which is exactly who we were trying to entertain. 

Our film opening is the right amount of thrill and horror through a range of camera techniques like hand held camera movement, an over the shoulder shot, and a tilt. We also used only slight dialogue to build up the suspense and tension of the opening. We used font and color for our credits and title as well to make it known that it is a horror movie to keep horror movie fans hooked. Especially because some horror movies start off very slow and take a long time to get to the scare and can sometimes bore the audience.  We made it our job to entertain the audience in the first 2 minutes and give them enough content in the opening to keep them engaged. 

Our product would be distributed as a real media text through streaming platforms like Netflix because Netflix is widely used for horror movies and a lot of people have a membership with Netflix, so we can reach a wide audience. We would ensure our audiences knew where to look for it through marketing techniques like posting trailers of our film on social media, like Instagram and YouTube. We would also make posters and post them on the social media, the posters would encapsulate the horror genre to capture the correct audience. 

Theworm. (2020, March 9). Who is the haunted house demographic?. FearWorm.,rather%20than%20an%20older%20one.%E2%80%9D 

Haxhiu, Albi. “What Are the Most Effective Marketing Strategies for a Horror Film?” How to Market Your Horror Film Effectively,, 3 Nov. 2024,

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CCR ideas for filming

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