Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Planning set mise-en-scene


The set for our film openings begin with the main character and his family sitting at a family dinner talking. With the main character (the son) sitting at the end and the rest of his family members (mom, dad and sibling) in the rest of the table in no particular order.

The set then change when he gets up and runs outside to his front porch and we see the outside of the front porch and house. We can see he lives in a nice house as we see him run out the door and slam it.

Then he runs into his car so the setting is the car and he is having a conversation with his therapist on the phone as he is on the way to her office telling her about the demon that keeps haunting him. He would be calling her at the same time that he is headed to her office to show just how much desperation he has and the sense of urgency there is because he truly feels he is in danger and is in need of help.

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