Friday, January 31, 2025

Transition into Cambridge portfolio project 1/31/2024

I am very excited but a bit nervous about this project because I don't wanna pick a genre that I end up regretting. But for now I am going to focus on my initial thoughts about this project. I first found it a bit intimidating but then I realized it is actually very fun and interesting, some friends that took this class last year told me this project is very fun and lets you express yourself creatively. I started thinking of my initial plans for this project and I'm not sue yet if I want to work in a group or alone but me and my group from the music marketing project discussed and we might work together.

After analyzing my notes on film openings I was thinking of using the approach of developing characters, because I like how creative one can get with this. simply with clothing and dialogue on can create a personality of a character. Developing characters gives so much insight to the viewer about the film. I was also thinking of doing establishing context because this can help the viewer really understand what is happening before anything else happens. I can also add TV or radio to give more info without necessarily having external dialogue.

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