For the One Word Film we were instructed to create a 1-1 1/2 minute film revolving around a word assigned to me and my partner with no dialogue or text. Our word was Curious and we decided to make the story about a guy finding a paper with symbols cut in half at school and he gets curious about the other half of it and about what it is so he goes looking and he finds the girl who has the other half of the paper and they realize they go together.
In our brainstorming we decided to pick something to do with suspense and mystery to help with our theme of "curious" Here is a picture of our brainstorming sheet-
Our storyboard helped us visualize our project because it helped us lay everything out before recording and seeing what shots, angles, and movements we wanted to do before doing them. As well as what editing we were going to use. I used iMovie to edit my film.
I think what we did well was expressing all the camera shots like expressing them in our story and our film as well as not using any dialogue or text. I feel like we could have done a better job at editing more and editing better.
I worked with Sebastian Raineau Pd 4
Link- OWF_Neira.iMovieMobile