Thursday, August 29, 2024

Camera shots

 In this assignment we were told to portray specific shots in the span of 15 shots while creating a story. 

Me and my partner approached this project by making a story of a fight between rock paper and scissors where scissors get beaten by rock and then the paper swallows the rock and then disintegrates, and they all lose in the end. 

I think what we did well was portray exactly what was happening with good detail and good pictures as well as the types of shots we used to show different emotions or meaning. I think what we could improve on is medium shots we needed to take pictures from the half of the “character” and up instead of the whole. 


Link to project- CameraShots.pptx 


I am creating a blog in order to upload my assignments for AICE media and receive credit.

CCR question 1 research

 The CCR #1 question is - "How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues?" ...