Saturday, March 15, 2025

CCR ideas for filming

 I began to brainstorm a couple ideas for my CCR and I wanted to get really creative and not do an interview because I heard a lot of people in my class doing that. 

So I made a list of my main ones and I am going to describe how I would approach them.

-Social media video like a livestream or a get ready with me

I would do this by putting the questions in the comments of the live stream or the video and answering them in the video. The live can be done with a live template and comments and pop ups and pretending I am an actor answering questions about a production. 


I could sit with another person of my group and talk about our film as if we were 2 actors talking or I could get a person who was not in the production be in the podcast and ask me the questions. This can be done with a couch like most podcasts or a table with mics.

-News report

This can be done by filming outside and someone behind the camera asks the question and the mic pops out from behind the camera like in a broadcast. 


A walk around my house or outside with different shots while someone behind the camera is asking me questions. 

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

CCR question 4 script

 CCR question 4 is-

How did you integrate technologies – software, hardware and online – in this project?

In this project I got to experience using different technologies to create my final production. I used hardware such as the phone we used to film the scenes and the tripod we used to stabilize different shots. The phone captured the focus pulls and we used cinematic mode on iphone to get the footage to be high quality. I learned how to stabilize the shots and also move the shots accordingly with the phone. We filmed close ups, mid shots, establishing shots and over the shoulder shots, as well as some movement shots like tilts and hand held camera shots. Some angle shots as well like high angle shots. 

For software we used Adobe Premiere Pro to edit the entirety of our film and put in fonts for our credits and title. As well and include music and sound effects and paste our clips together smoothly using transitions and after effects. We also removed background noise and made sure the clips were seamless. We integrated this into our project to make it the best we could and we realized hoe important editing is in the filming world and how it can add so much to a film.

We used online resources such as to blog our entire process of producing which helped us make our schedule and organize ourselves so our process ran smoothly. We posted clips of our opening and every step we did towards the final product which helped us make sure none of the steps were missing. We also used YouTube to find tutorials on how to edit and watch other film openings for inspiration. 

Overall this helped us in completing our project successfully and ending up with a high quality project.

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

CCR question 3 script

CCR question 3 is-

How did your production skills develop throughout this project? 

My production skills have improved so much because of this project due to the fact that I filmed half of the project, I put to practice plenty of the different techniques we learned throughout the year. 

Before beginning this project I had some experience while filming since we had done other projects in which I had filmed. But with this one being a film opening the camera movements done were way more significant and gave meaning to the scenes. My skills improved in pre production , filming, as well as post production. 

I learned how to write a script and effectively use a storyboard in the pre-production. As well as cast actors for roles and teach them their lines. I also was able to make a set for where the film would take place and organize our schedules for filming. Costuming was also something I used when setting up what each character would wear especially the main character and the villain in our film, since they were the most important characters and had to give off a specific vibe with simply their costuming and editing. This was because our film opening was mostly silent so everything had to be shown in either camera techniques, costuming and actions.

When it came to filming I learned how to effectively capture shots and move the camera is specific ways to portray different ideas. I also put into practice different camera angles we learned in class and got to experience how they are filmed when I see them in a movie. I used a tri-pod and a phone to film most of the shots, since a lot of the shots are moving. I was able to do focus pulls and change the lighting when I filmed to give the attention to certain characters to cause suspense and a unsettling mood which was perfect for our genre. 

From editing it was mostly not done by me but what I did learn was how to choose a font accordingly to your genre and to the lighting and vibe of the opening. I saw how certain fonts could not be seen due to the lighting, but I also learned that the credits are very important and can set a mood for the rest of the movie. As well as how the title is seen as the color and font and how important all the factors are. The editing of the clips and the sound of the film opening is key to making it suspenseful so we put together different sound elements that add to the tone of the production. 

Monday, March 10, 2025

CCR question 2 script

CCR question 2 is 
"How does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text?"

Our film opening was targeted to entertain teenagers and young adults. 
We portrayed this by making the main character a teenager to make our film more personal to our audience. Since our film is a horror film it is mainly targeted to teens and young audiences of 15-25 years of age which is exactly who we were trying to entertain. 

Our film opening is the right amount of thrill and horror through a range of camera techniques like hand held camera movement, an over the shoulder shot, and a tilt. We also used only slight dialogue to build up the suspense and tension of the opening. We used font and color for our credits and title as well to make it known that it is a horror movie to keep horror movie fans hooked. Especially because some horror movies start off very slow and take a long time to get to the scare and can sometimes bore the audience.  We made it our job to entertain the audience in the first 2 minutes and give them enough content in the opening to keep them engaged. 

Our product would be distributed as a real media text through streaming platforms like Netflix because Netflix is widely used for horror movies and a lot of people have a membership with Netflix, so we can reach a wide audience. We would ensure our audiences knew where to look for it through marketing techniques like posting trailers of our film on social media, like Instagram and YouTube. We would also make posters and post them on the social media, the posters would encapsulate the horror genre to capture the correct audience. 

Theworm. (2020, March 9). Who is the haunted house demographic?. FearWorm.,rather%20than%20an%20older%20one.%E2%80%9D 

Haxhiu, Albi. “What Are the Most Effective Marketing Strategies for a Horror Film?” How to Market Your Horror Film Effectively,, 3 Nov. 2024,

Sunday, March 9, 2025

CCR question 1 research

 The CCR #1 question is -

"How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues?"

I did not really understand this question at first, so I chose to do some research on it and what it could be asking and how that could pertain to our film opening. 

This question has 2 parts so the first part is if our film uses or challenges conventions. Which from what I researched is asking if the film uses established expectations. I believe our film uses the normal structures of a film so I don't believe it breaks away from any normal expectation a film has. Since it doesn't include anything out of chronological order like flashbacks or time loops.

The other part is asking how it represents social groups or issues. In our case for our film Erebus it does not necessarily represent any social group but it does represent the social issue of mental health. It represents it because it shows how since the main character Leo's mental health is not at its best (shown by his facial expressions and clothing) he is vulnerable to getting tormented by a demon and up to the film opening we don't know if he is imagining that due to his mental health or if it is real. But the film opening touches on the topic of mental health especially when he phones his therapist in the car.

Some sources I used-

Intelliminds. (2024, October). 11 Films That Defy Genre Conventions - Greenlight Coverage. Greenlight Coverage.

Why Challenge movie conventions. (2016).

Saturday, March 8, 2025

Editing process 2

Nico began to put the videos together and since we had so many back ups and refilms, we were good on content. We had a quite a bit of refilms just incase and had a lot of footage so we would not have to refilm, so in the end it would look smoother. We cut some clips so they could be shorter because there was extra footage. Here is a sneak peak at our title clip where Sebas drove the car across the road and Nico filmed from up above in a tree at nighttime. The tile comes up from under the car which was our original idea and I am really glad it worked out perfectly especially with the complication with the drone we had.

Nico edited the entire video on premiere pro and he used after effects for the title card, so it fades in and the title flickers and the credits appear. As well as the sound effects we added to add to the suspense and the thrill of the film opening. Especially since horror movies use a lot of sound effects to cause scare or suspense. We changed the title card a couple times because we kept finding ways to make it better so we helped Nico pick which ideas we liked better. I am really glad with how it came out. We also used everyone's real names for the credits and we had to write our names for each job we did as well as our actor's names.

Friday, March 7, 2025

Editing process 1

Since our teammate Nico mainly did the editing for the Music Marketing project we had not that long ago he said he got a lot of experience from it and he wanted to do the editing. So he began by choosing the font of the title which we had decided would be red since it is a horror movie and it fits well with the genre. As well as the fact that the title is the name of the demon and it adds to the character. The font seemed suiting and very cool to us so we chose that font, the letters are spaced out and gave the exact mood we wanted for the title and name of the demon. 

We chose from the fonts "american-slasher-personal-use", "black-face", "eurocine", and "ncl-enigmatic waesbeniy-demon" we ended up using "american slasher" and "eurocine" for the title card. "American" slasher for the title since it is a horror movie title font and then "eurocine" for the credits. 

This is how it looks once we used these fonts for our title card. We think these fonts fit our genre and modd of the film perfectly and we are very glad we came across them. Also since we filmed on Wednesday because of the complication with the drone we have only a bit of editing done so far but we will have more by tomorrow since Nico is working on it today.


CCR ideas for filming

 I began to brainstorm a couple ideas for my CCR and I wanted to get really creative and not do an interview because I heard a lot of people...